About NCJW San Antonio
NCJW’s faith in the future and belief in action are reflected in its mission statement:
The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.
In the United States
In the US, NCJW’s work includes:
BenchMark: NCJW’s Judicial Nominations Campaign
Plan A: NCJW’s Campaign for Contraceptive Access
Higher Ground: NCJW’s Domestic Violence Campaign
Promote the Vote, Protect the Vote
Voices for Reproductive Choices: NCJW’s Emergency Initiative
NCJW has been a leading organization in supporting Israel for more than 60 years, helping to lay the groundwork for important social change efforts in Israel. We are now witnessing the evolution of Israeli society as more and more women demand their fair and equal rights amidst serious challenges to those rights. NCJW has long been committed to advancing women’s status in Israel by helping women to develop a stronger voice at all levels of society.
Today, strategic efforts like the Israel Granting Program and NCJW’s advocacy and coalition work continue in this spirit of education and empowerment — helping to advance the lives of women, children, and families and ensure Israel’s future.
In 1893, Hannah G. Solomon of Chicago was asked to organize the participation of Jewish women in the Chicago World’s Fair. When Hannah and her recruits discovered that participation was not substantive, but would consist of pouring coffee and other hostess duties, they walked out. Hannah then took matters into her own hands, building on the courageous action and volunteer work she had been leading for years. By the end of the World’s Fair, Hannah and the accompanying delegate body of women had founded the National Council of Jewish Women, changing forever the role of Jewish women and the nature of volunteerism.
Today, 118 years later, NCJW remains distinct among organizations — courageous, compassionate, powerful, and, above all, pioneering.
As an organization on the forefront of social change for 120 years, one of the keys to NCJW’s success is strong and strategic leadership. NCJW is governed by a Board of Directors which sets the policy and direction of the organization, contributes to the achievement of programmatic goals, and fulfills a variety of fiduciary responsibilities. NCJW is a also leader among leaders, serving as an active member of several prestigious alliances and councils.
Learn more about NCJW’s accomplished Board of Directors and various affiliation relationships.
.President: Rhonda Grimm
Immediate Past President: Lori Stockstiel
Treasurer: Elaine Kovner
Corresponding Secretary: Sherie Trakhtenbroit
Recording Secretary: Amy Saklad
VP Communications: Gina Galaviz Eisenberg
VP Membership: Barbara Bikoff
Chairperson: Jennifer Eichelbaum
VP Programming: Ann Winer
VP Advocacy: Marsha Krassner
Co-VP’s Community Outreach:
Sharon Mullen, Alissa Levey Baugh
Marcia Waldgeir and Ruthie Wurzburg
Trashy Book Club Chair: Susan Butler
National Liaison: Debbie Tharp
Temple Beth El Liaison: Amy Strickland
Congregation Agudas Achim Liaison: Robin Diamond
Presidium At-large members
Renee Sabel
Lisa Edelman
Robin Long
Janet Neuenschwander
If you are interested in being part of the “NCJW Team,” please contact us at contact@ncjwsa.org..